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The subculture had a heavy influence on the change to a healthier lifestyle and food choices. When the Wandervogel came to the United States, so did their values. They emphasized a healthy and all-natural living, with a belief that organic food was the best way to avoid the harmful chemicals and preservatives that were placed in processed foods. Although there were reports of vegetarianism and ideas of organic foods in the states beforehand, the groups of youth came over they spread their values even more. They would find others that were open minded and discuss their ideas. Ideas ranged from planting to maintaining an organic environment for healthy living. They believed the all-natural method was the best way to obtain a healthy body. The people who had listened were the hippie subculture. This resulted in a spread of health food stores that promoted wheat germ, granola, yogurt, and yoga. There was an increase in people adopting the vegetarian lifestyle. They did not believe in killing or harming another animal as it went against their principle of peace. A food that was in the normal family’s pantry was rejected for the all-natural alternatives. Macrobiotic diets had begun to increase in popularity and see new exposure. Hippies often chose to be vegan in order to live a life that does not harm others. There were multiple reasons for the natural diet. Having a farm and growing the food independently was not only better economically, but it was also better for the environment. It protects the ecosystem while maintaining sustenance for people. With the belief that “the man” or “Big Brother” would be a danger in their lives, the youths did not trust large companies and their additives in the food. They considered it dangerous and believed that the greedy companies to drive them would not put the health of the citizens first. This is a true statement and the processed food is harmful to your body in large quantities. Healthy living is happy living.

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